How To Add Symbols and Bullets to LinkedIn

Welcome to the exciting world of LinkedIn formatting! As professionals seeking to stand out in the digital marketplace, it’s crucial that we utilize every tool at our disposal. One often overlooked but incredibly impactful method is through enhancing your LinkedIn profile using symbols/bullets. This not only improves readability but also adds a unique flair to your profile, making it more attractive to viewers and potential employers. Read on to learn more about LinkedIn profile tips, focusing on LinkedIn text formatting, specifically the use of LinkedIn special characters and LinkedIn bullet points, to guide you on how to improve your LinkedIn profile for better visibility and engagement.

Importance of Symbols and Bullets on LinkedIn

Symbols and bullets are more than just pretty decorations. In the context of LinkedIn formatting, they are vital tools to structure information and enhance the readability of your profile. Here’s why:

  1. Improved Structure: Bullet points and symbols help in breaking down information into digestible pieces, making it easy for readers to scan through your content and understand your professional journey.
  2. Highlighting Key Points: By using symbols or bullet points, you can emphasize key skills, achievements, or duties, ensuring they don’t get lost in a sea of text.
  3. Visual Appeal: Aesthetic elements like symbols can make your profile more visually engaging, helping to hold the reader’s attention and differentiate your profile from others.
  4. Professionalism: Used correctly, these elements can give your profile a polished, professional look, showing that you’ve invested time and effort into improving your LinkedIn profile.
  5. Stand Out: Amid a multitude of plain-text profiles, one embellished with appropriate symbols and bullet points is more likely to catch a viewer’s attention.

The effective use of symbols and bullets is a little-known secret to standing out on LinkedIn. It’s a simple yet effective formatting strategy to add that extra edge to your profile.

Step-by-Step Guide to Add Symbols/Bullets

Adding symbols/bullets to your LinkedIn profile can seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance, it can be quite straightforward. Here are the steps:

  1. Choose your Symbol/Bullet: There are many symbols available, including stars, arrows, checkmarks, and more. Choose one that suits the tone and style of your LinkedIn profile.
  2. Copy your Symbol/Bullet: Once you’ve decided on a symbol/bullet, you can easily find it on a website, in Word (Wingdings), or if you’re using the LinkedIn App, you can use the special characters available on your phone. Simply copy the symbol or if on your phone, add the symbol like you would if you were texting.
  3. Paste into LinkedIn: Navigate to the part of your LinkedIn profile where you want to insert the symbol, such as the headline, about, or experience section. Click on the editing icon, place your cursor where you want the symbol to appear, and paste it.
  4. Save your Changes: Always remember to click ‘Save’ after adding your symbols.

Bullets and Symbols to Copy/Paste:

All-time favorites:

• ● ✔ ★ ►

Traditional bullets:

■ ♦ ◆ ●


★ ✪ ✯ ✰


☛ ☚ ☜ ☝ ☞ ☟ ⇨ ► ◄ ► »


✔ ✘ ☑ ☒

Contact Me:

✉ ✍ ✆ ☎ ☏

If you are a little more creative you may notice that there are many options also available in Word. All you need to do is look at Wingdings or Webdings and you can add a great deal more to your profile. Additionally, you can edit your profile with your phone and use the emoji’s available.

Please note: not all of the symbols from Word or external websites work on LinkedIn. Make sure after you save, you refresh your profile to make sure it is the symbol you chose and not a rectangle (or three lines).

Understanding the Dos and Don’ts

Just like any formatting tool, the use of symbols and bullets comes with its own set of best practices and potential pitfalls. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind:


  1. Use Symbols Sparingly: While symbols can be effective, using too many can make your profile look cluttered and unprofessional. Use them sparingly to highlight key points.
  2. Maintain Consistency: If you’re using a particular bullet style or symbol, maintain that throughout your profile for a cohesive look.
  3. Choose Appropriate Symbols: Choose symbols that suit your message. Remember, your profile is a representation of your professional persona, so avoid any symbols that may not convey the right message.


  1. Overuse Symbols: A profile filled with too many symbols can be distracting and may detract from the content. Aim for a balance between text and symbols.
  2. Use Unprofessional Symbols: Not all symbols will suit the tone you are trying to convey. Such as, wanting a serious tone but using symbols that are too flashy, colorful, or informal.
  3. Ignore Readability: While symbols and bullets can enhance readability, they should not be used to the extent that they disrupt the flow of text or make the content harder to read.

The goal of LinkedIn formatting is to enhance your profile, not detract from it. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a profile that’s both engaging and professional.

Additional Tips to Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile

In addition to using symbols and bullet points, there are a few more LinkedIn profile tips to consider to make your profile more attractive and engaging:

  1. Use a Professional Profile Photo: A high-quality, professional photo can increase your profile views. It adds a personal touch and helps people recognize you.
  2. Craft a Compelling Headline: Your headline should succinctly communicate who you are professionally. You can also use keywords related to your field to make your profile more searchable.
  3. Write a Detailed Summary/About Section: Use this section to tell your story, outline your skills, and communicate what makes you unique.
  4. List Relevant Skills: Include a list of your skills on your profile. Endorsements from your connections can validate these skills, adding credibility to your profile.
  5. Ask for Recommendations: Recommendations from colleagues, clients, or superiors can boost the credibility of your profile and give potential employers insight into your work ethic and abilities.

Remember, the goal of LinkedIn text formatting and profile enhancement is to create a profile that accurately represents your professional identity and makes you stand out from the crowd. By using symbols and bullet points effectively, along with these additional tips, you can create a profile that’s engaging, readable, and distinctly yours.

For more LinkedIn help, check out our articles on Is LinkedIn Premium Worth It for Job Seekers and Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Job Search Success.


Mastering LinkedIn formatting tools can help you enhance your LinkedIn profile’s effectiveness and create a strong first impression. The right usage of these elements can make your profile more engaging, allowing you to highlight key points and communicate more effectively.

However, while symbols and bullet points can draw attention to specific aspects of your profile, remember that the foundation of a great LinkedIn profile is its content. Use LinkedIn special characters and LinkedIn bullet points to augment, not overshadow, your achievements, skills, and experiences.

If you are seeking additional guidance and training, consider reaching out and learning more about Simply Great Resumes LinkedIn Profile Development and Training services.

For more characters check out my LinkedIn Profile.

About Simply Great Resumes

Simply Great Resumes, spearheaded by Kerry Gustafson, stands out for its superior resume writing and career coaching services. As the best executive resume writing service in Milwaukee, we furnish personalized career documents and sell ATS-optimized resume templates.